Press release: EURA 2021 agreement awarded to the consortium of Netum Ltd and Metosin Ltd

Press release 23.1.2020
Based on open procurement procedure the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland has today awarded the consortium of Netum Ltd and Metosin Ltd agreement of delivering the national digital service solution for the European Structural Funds for the programming period 2021–2027. The value of the agreement including the maintenance and support period is estimated to be 20–40 M €.
The agreement applies to the renovation and further development of the existing EURA 2014 system for management of the Finnish European Structural Funds projects to EURA 2021 system and its continuing development over the programming period 2021–2027. The agreement includes maintenance and support of the system approximately until the end of year 2035.
"We are grateful to the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland for the agreement, which is of great economic and social importance to the Finnish society. We also regard this agreement as a remarkable sign of support to our Legacy to Digi -strategy”, says Matti Mujunen, CEO of Netum Ltd.
"We would like to thank the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment for their trust. This is a significant public project in many ways, and we are honoured to be entrusted with the responsibility of modernizing the technology and enterprise architecture in co-operation with the experts from Netum Ltd", says Mikko Heikkilä, CEO of Metosin Ltd.
Further information:
Netum Ltd
CEO Matti Mujunen, +358 400 476 401,
Metosin Ltd
CEO Mikko Heikkilä, +358 50 326 2280,
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland
Development manager Keijo Hämäläinen, +358 50 396 0211